Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Abundance and Love way to happiness for YOU and us..

Abundance and Love are God given rights to every one of us and Happiness is our way to than God for His gifts to us.

View my page on Creating Abundance and Love

Monday, September 08, 2008

Supercharge YOUR eMail Marketing

This Artice has been written by Bob Jenkins and is Brought To YOU by 

Jose Damaso Ramon

Think about these three things:

Only 1 person is reading your message at a time

Your readers want you to be consistent

Your readers want you to help them

Your readers want to buy useful things

Only 1 Person Is Reading Your Message At A Time


Even though you are technically writing messages that will be seen by (hopefully) thousands of people over time, each email is actually read by just one person at a time. This means you need to write your messages just to one person.

Instead of writing to “you all” or “some of you”, write directly to “you” or “one of my best customers”.

Also, you can use personalization fields in autoresponders like Aweber, where everybody gets their email with their actual first name in the message.

Your Readers Want You To Be Consistent

In general, people like a routine because its comfortable and doesn’t confuse them.

With autoresponder marketing, consistency means emailing your subscribers with regular frequency, and having a typical format to your messages.

I like to send out messages every 2-4 days, but only when I have something of value to give. Some people like emailing every day, and others once a week or two. Regardless of what you determine your frequency to be - stick to it.

When it comes to formatting your messages, I like to always include a link in my emails. This makes it routine for my readers to know that after reading the email, they’ll want to click on the included link for more.

Even when I’m not promoting a product, I do this. I’ll include part of a lesson in the email, and then have a link to my blog to finish the reading. You never want to have your email message be a dead end. Because then, the only link to click on in the message is the one to unsubscribe!

Your Readers Want You To Help Them

Many people think that using autoresponders as an essential part of their business means sending out promotional emails every time. This is partially true - you are promoting yourself and your expertise each time you send a message. But you don’t have to be selling anything. What you are really doing is building a relationship of trust between your readers and yourself.

Your readers want to know that you aren’t just trying to suck cash out of their wallet. So don’t be stingy with your free advice, tips, etc. Ultimately, you need to prove to each reader individually that you are the person they should turn to for answers.

Your Readers Want To Buy Useful Things

People love to buy things, but they hate being sold to. I’m sure you’ve probably heard this before, right?

Well, it’s true. Most people get great joy when they make an excellent purchase. The trick is you have to make sure your customer feels that they get a great value from you when they give you money. They want to feel like they got the better end of the deal.

So don’t be afraid to offer a product or service to your readers - whether it’s an affiliate product or one of your own.

If you genuinely feel that your readers will benefit from using a product or service, then your recommendation will have a big impact on them. If you are just after some cash, your readers will quickly figure that out and abandon you.

And if you DON’T offer your readers something to buy, then you aren’t building a business. You’re just making friends.

Put these tips into action, and you’ll be well on your way to long term online profits!

Bob Jenkins

Generating Network Marketing Leads

Generating Network Marketing Leads

Written by Janet Legere

Generating good solid Network Marketing leads can be a chore or it can be a very simply act.

What resources are you using to attract the right leads?

Today, I want to share some of the resources and tools that are working for our group to attract the right kind of leads for their business.

Marketing online does not have to involve 'Rocket Science' and you don't need to be an "Internet Guru" or possess extraordinary skills.

What you do need is the ability to read and follow directions.

So, if you feel you have the very unique skill to be able to read and follow directions, then please read on.

In this post, I will share a few simple tips to help you attract leads and solid prospects for your primary business. I will talk about using a "prospecting system" and then I will talk to you about advertising your prospecting link. We will cover things like Traffic Exchanges and Marketing Lists and Safelists and Social Networks. Today, I will cover Traffic Exchanges only as it's important that you learn one task at a time.

So, let's begin by talking about the system you will need. Many of you reading this post will already have a "system" in place and you can use the process I'll talk about to advertise your link.

Ok, let's get started shall we?

Step 1 in this process is having a system to capture your leads.

You can do this one of two ways, either by using a system that is created for you or by creating your own "lead capture" system. (there are actually many systems out there and many ways to do this, we'll concentrate on two systems and a few simple resources that work).

The system we use is called 'Earth Friendly Biz' (EFB), and our system is based on a "3-step process" that attracts leads and encourages activity. Prospects view the system and enter their information to learn more about our 3 steps. They are introduced to three programs that we recommend - these programs are then used for marketing our sites - and then they register for their own free system.

You can review our 3-step system here: EarthFriendlyBiz

If you prefer to create your own lead capture page, I put together a report that shows you how to simply add an auto-responder form to a Blogspot page. Blogspot is a free resource and very simple to use. If you own an auto-responder system such as "Get Response" or "Response Magic" then you are set to go.

You can download my free report here: EarthFriendlyBiz

Throughout the rest of this report, I will be using the EarthFriendlyBiz system as an example. You can replace my EFB information with your own if you are using a sysem other than EFB.

This is where people tend to fail. They signup for systems such as EFB and then they stop. Either they advertise briefly with no results or they don't advertise at all and their claims to others are "the systems do not work".

If you are one of those marketers, then all you need to do is to continue marketing. Over time, you will see results. I guarantee it.

And I guaranteee this as well, if you keep doing what you are doing, you will continue to get the same results. It's time for change.

The simple steps I will outline below will work but only if you are consistent with your marketing AND with your followup.

NOTE: it does not matter how good a system is, if you don't add your personal follow-up, your business will not grow. You will attract a lot of leads but until you connect with them personally, they will be inactive.

Ok, so let's get started advertising your new prospecting system.

Step 2 - Advertising your "Lead Capture" link

In this section, I'm going to begin discussions on joining and using different advertising resources. In this post, my focus is Traffic Exchanges.

Let's Talk Traffic Exchanges

There is a lot of controversy over Traffic Exchanges and the fact is, they work. However, they only work if you set them up and either surf for credits, purchase credits or earn credits by sponsoring.

Most Traffic Exchanges are free and most offer a monthly, annual or lifetime membership. When possible, I always recommend the upgrade, especially any One Time Offers. If you are new to Internet Marketing, you want to add "upgrades" one at a time as your budget allows. The free traffic exchange memberships work well too.

Here are a just three of my favourite Traffic Exchanges:

EarthFriendlyBiz has your share in Traffic Exchanges and one of my first recommendations. You will want to take advantage of all aspects of EarthFriendlyBiz from their traffic programs to its downline builder.

Step 3 - Setting up your Traffic Exchanges

Each exchange offers training on how to setup their program and use the system. I encourage you to take time and become familiar with each exchange as you join.

You are going to advertise your lead capture link.

In this example, because we are focused on the EarthFriendlyBiz system, you will setup your EarthFriendlyBiz website.

You will be asked for you Website URL and information when you join the Traffic Exchange program.

If you are advertising a lead capture page, you will enter that link when you join and setup the Traffic Exchange programs.

You want to spend a few moments each day surfing through the exchanges that you are a member of. Most exchanges offer bonus credits for surfing each day and you will be introduced to other members sites. It's always a good idea to see what others promote on Traffic Exchanges.

Lead capture type sites are the best to advertise on exchanges. Anything that captures your reader's contact information.

Traffic Exchanges are just one of many resources you will learn to use online.

To help you take further advantage of the Traffic Exchange programs, I wrote a report on how to maximize exchanges and welcome you to download a free copy here

If I were to give out one word of advice it will be this: Take this slow. Don't join every program and resource out there thinking your business will grow. You must learn to understand how each system works and you must setup your systems properly.

Far too often I see new members and even seasons members take on too much at once and become lost in the sea of information and learning.

If you take your time and learn the basics of each program, understand how they function and learn to set them up properly, you will be able to successfully use the Internet to build your list and build your primary business.

Remember, the Internet is a great place to find prospects and our goal is to find those prospects and have them subscribe to your list so they can learn about you and your business.

In my next post, I will start talking about sending ads to online lists. There is a lot to learn when it comes to marketing to online lists so we'll spend some extra time here.

Stay tuned for more List Building Strategies!

Have an outstanding day.

Janet Legere

List Building Expert