Friday, March 23, 2007

Great Blogging Experience

5 Reasons For A Great Blogging Experience

Internet marketers are always on the lookout for a new advertising vehicle. The blog has caught their eye and is rapidly becoming one of the 21st century’s online advertising wonders!

Should you use blogging to promote your internet business? Like anything else, the final answer will depend on a lot of things, but here are 5 reasons why you may want to use blogging as an internet marketing tool.

1. It's simple. Even people without websites are selling things on the internet. The most common system is to set up a blog, a simple thing to do, on a subject with which you are familiar. Then, you join one or more affiliate programs for products or services related to the subject of your blog. Finally, you place your affiliate links on your blog and regularly add content to the site. If you have chosen a subject with which you are familiar and enjoy, this can actually be fun, and many people are making a nice income online just from this tactic alone.

2. It's real. Remember that part about creating a blog on a subject you were familiar with and enjoyed? That's one of the keys to a successful blog. Others with the same interests will come by your blog over and over again to see what you have added. With all the advertising on the internet, they are used to some advertising being around. With so many non-blog sites, however, it seems like many of today's magazines...tons of advertising and little content of value. A well-run blog can provide lots of content and make money for the blogger with just a few ads.

By the way, rather than add more and more advertising to their blogs, many who are blogging for business just create new blogs. This allows them to keep content fresh and of high quality while simultaneously giving them the opportunity to show more ads.

3. It's free. As my high school Latin teacher used to say, "You can't beat that with a stick!" Most sites which allow bloggers to set up shop do not charge. Many have an impressive array of tools, templates, and features. In fact, many sites such as and include a free blog as a part of their services. This actually serves to attract customers to their services. There are paid blog sites, and it may be of value to use one of these sites if you are serious about blogging for business.

4. It builds respectability. Once again, writing about familiar subjects and demonstrating your genuine interest in the topic creates an aura of respectability to your blog. Additionally, you may begin to become recognized as an "expert" on the subject and may get regular return visitors. Placing an advertisement on your blog can be seen more as advice than advertising. A really good blog, by the way, may even begin to generate advertising revenue on its own.

5. It increases market share. You cannot compete with Ford or General Motors. However, if you are providing valid, valuable information on your chosen topic and updating your blog regularly, there is a good chance that you will begin to build a loyal following. One common result of this is that somebody who visited your blog and liked it refers it to someone else.

There are many means of increasing your blog's value and reach. Most of these are pretty much the same as what you would do to increase the popularity or search engine rank of any other website. However, with blogs, simply providing well presented, regularly updated, valuable content will probably do more than anything else to enhance your blog's standing.

Find a topic you know about and enjoy, sign up for a free blog, find affiliate programs related to your blog (or simply link to your own business), provide valuable content, update regularly, and stick with it.

While you can see the value of blogging to enhance your internet marketing efforts, your blog may
wind up being the only internet business you ever really need.

From Best

Copy by Jose Damaso Ramon

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Finding Your Inner Jerry McGuire

Shared by Michael Gray

By Courtesy of
Publishing a blog on a regular basis teaches you many things, you experience the highs, and you also often become the victim of people who try to take pot shots at you and bring you down, however in the end it depends on how well you can channel your inner Jerry McGuire.

What is it that separates a those who succeed from those who fail? It’s the willingness to sacrifice and take a chance on that idea that keeps nagging at you in the back of your head. The one that won’t let you sleep, the one that you think of over and over again, in the shower, in the car, while you’re walking the dog, while your standing in line at DMV, the idea that’s like that little annoying cousin at a family picnic who just won’t go away.

Sometimes we just get caught up on the conveyor belt of life, we push something “out the door” to meet a deadline real or imagined. We sacrifice greatness and quality because we’re lazy or unmotivated. We settle for mediocrity because we’re afraid to grow, afraid to try something new, and most importantly we’re afraid to fail. Not everything we do has to be great some things just have to be good enough to get the job done. However sometimes we fool ourselves we settle for second best because it’s easier, we push it out and hope that no one notices it’s crap. I’m lucky, I have friends who will challenge me (sometimes in private, sometimes in public) and when I publish something that doesn’t posses that suigeneris MG quality and flavor, I get called out on it, and that’s good, because it sucks being seen as a disappointment.

What’s the take-away here, if you’re going to do something do it with gusto. if you’re going to be a filthy rotten low down no good dirty spammer, then by gosh do it right! Crank up your auto-gen bots and churn and burn through domains like Sherman burned through Georgia. if you’re going to go the content route spend the time build it right, do the research, stomp all over the person who holds the spot ahead of you. They have one page you have three, they have ten pages you have thirty, don’t settle for second. Don’t whine and complain that nobody pays attention or links to you. You want links, you want attention, stand up and do something hard, do something exceptional, do something amazing, do something note worthy, do something impossible to ignore, do anything other than being a crybaby. Stop lamenting over your lack of green pixels and worrying about quadrilateral link exchanges with foreign TLD’s, because other than being another SEO news blog that’s about the least outstanding thing you could possibly do.

Lastly stop settling for average. Instead of creating sites that suck ass and are nothing more than retread web 2.0 BS, create something new and different, take the risk, take the chance, go the distance. You don’t get to be an SEO Rockstar sitting on your kiester trying to be a B player. The only thing that will do is make you that guy sitting alone in the bar at pubcon wondering why nobody talks to you, and then coming back home and crying about it on your blog.

This post may have pissed off a few people, and you know what … good. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to take it lying down, or are you going to prove that you have what it takes to be a player. Telling me I’m wrong in the comments doesn’t prove anything, going off and creating something great on your blog, website or forum, now that will prove something, and just maybe you’ll have found your own Jerry McGuire while doing it.

Inspiration From Patric Chan

The Wealth Manifestation

No other subject of self-help can attract more people than wealth or money. Everyone wants more-- there never seems to be enough to around and getting more money is many people's desires.

Have you watch "The Secrets"?

It's a big hit of a documentary-movie stressing on how to get wealth and other attaining through manifestation. To be more precise, the "secret" is the "Law Of Attraction".

Manifesting wealth in your life is the process of attracting sources of income, abundance and prosperity. How does it work?

Well, in a simple way of explanation, affirmations are nothing more than positive statements that are said in the present tense. They help to remold your mind, behaviors and feelings regarding wealth to put you in a better place to receive.

Although most people want to have more money, most people also have limiting beliefs when it comes to their ability to get it. Money is one of those subjects that we are taught a lot about as children - unfortunately, some of us are taught with the wrong beliefs of money. How many times have you heard the following:

"Money doesn't grow on trees"
"We can't afford it"
"Those kinds of things aren't for us"
"Rich people aren’t good people"
"He/she probably did something unethical to get that rich"
"The rich just want to control the world"

Statements like these said by your parents, friends, neighbors or even the media have molded your beliefs about what it is like to be rich. I called it, 'mental programming'.

Although you consciously know that there are "good" rich people on this planet, your past programming is affecting your ability to really let yourself create wealth because there are negative association to it previously.

This is where affirmations come in. The previous statements, and ones like them, are nothing more than negative affirmations. Just like affirmations, they were said in the present tense, with a lot of emotional conviction. With repetition, they became part of your understanding of the world. And now they are holding you back from what you really desire.

Before you write affirmations about your specific wealth goals ("I make a million dollars a year"), you may need to take some time working with affirmations about your beliefs about wealth. These types of affirmations will help displace your old beliefs from your childhood.

Start by making a list of attitudes, behaviors or events that shaped what you currently think and feel about wealth and rich people. Think about what your parents taught you about wealth (or lack thereof). Write down these statements on a piece of paper.

Next, you'll want to tackle each one of those statements with a new positive statement about wealth. For example, at the heart of "money doesn't grow on trees" is the concept that wealth is finite and limited. You can challenge this with a new belief "The universe is abundant with wealth and other resources."

Confronting the old behaviors and beliefs about money and wealth will free you to pursue what you really want. If you truly want to earn that million a year, but are holding onto negative connotations about the rich, you will never allow yourself to get it. Using affirmations you can dig up old limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering statements.

What Are The Common Three Affirmation Mistakes?

If you've read about the power of affirmations and are trying to put it to work for you, you may feel stuck when you don't see your results manifesting instantly. You've got to remember that affirmation does require some patience and good practice. But, there are three specific mistakes that you may be making in your affirmations process that can slow down your success. Once you address these areas, you may find that your desires are coming into your life quicker and more smoothly.

The first mistake is not spending enough time finding out what you really want or how much money you want to attain. Affirmations are positive statements said in the present tense about future goals. They work best when they are very specific. With affirmations, you have the incredible opportunity to declare exactly what you want and then get it.

However, many people, for a whole host of reasons, have trouble defining what they truly want. They've lived for so long with less than they deserve because of duty or religious beliefs or self-worth issues that it is hard to define what they want for themselves. If you’re one of those people, know right now that it is okay to want prosperity, abundance and happiness for yourself. You being happy is not going to make anyone else suffer.

To clearly define what you want, first look at the things that you don't want in your life.

Start with a list of your "don't wants" and write down as much as you can think of. If you were to design your life exactly the way you wanted¦ what would you get rid of? Once you've compiled that list, you'll have a better idea of what you do want. You'll be able to write specific and personal affirmations.

The next mistake that people often make is not saying the affirmations with positive emotions attached. You've got to get excited about your affirmations. As you read your affirmations, you've got to be getting more and more thrilled with the idea of having these desires manifest in your life. The affirmations are only partially about the words. The other part of the process is the feelings involved.

If you just stand in front of the mirror a few times a day and blankly read your list of affirmations, you aren't getting excited. It may be that what you've written down doesn't excite you. If that's the case, rewrite your affirmations and declare what you really want.

You may also need to take a moment before you begin stating your affirmations to get in a positive frame of mind. You don't have to be positive about the specific affirmations; you just need to get positive about something. Think of your best friend, your lover, your successes, your pet, a baby laughing, visiting an amusement park, a funny memory... whatever it takes! Get yourself in a good mood, and then practice your affirmations.

Finally, affirmations require belief. If you spend time saying your affirmations with a little voice inside your head that says "this will never happen" you are defeating the purpose. Resistance, in the form of doubt, will always outweigh your desires. If you've got a little negative voice during your affirmations sessions, then you need to work on removing the resistance.

You can remove the resistance to your affirmations by removing doubt. No matter what your desire is there are hundreds if not thousands of people who are achieving the same goal successfully. Take some time to evaluate any limiting beliefs that are creating resistance. Limiting beliefs are statements like I can't start a new business because "I'm too old" or "I can't be in a relationship right now because I have to lose weight." When you encounter beliefs like this, ask yourself if it is possible that other people in similar circumstances have been able to achieve what you want.

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You "Chan" Do It!

-Patric Chan