Christmas: Tradition Of Love And SharingAre you ready for the Christmas holidays, with love, when relations, gifting and sharing are the feelings and joy of the season? Christmas is the time for joy, love and relations.God bless you and give you the best Christmas ever. Let love, health, prosperity and abundance come to you in an ever increasing flow of blessings for you and those you love and care for.
Make this the best Holiday season ever. The Christmas miracle season, brings the movement of money which creates wealth, hope, love and friendship for everybody. Chocolate, flowers, books, toys, all the way up to diamonds, luxury cars, the cruise of your life, are welcome during this holiday season and ever.
From the gospel of Luke we can experience the wonder of the original Christmas story. Amongst the shepherds living out in the fields an Angel of the Lord appeared to them and the Glory of the Lord shone around them, to bring the world great news of joy for all the people.
The Angel announced the birth of a savior in the town of David. Christ the Lord has been born. Celebrating Christmas on December 25th is a high point in the year. Since November, it is very difficult to forget that Christmas is coming. Colored lights, Christmas trees, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus are seen all over letting us know that Christmas is coming.
Santa Claus has become the human face of Christmas. Children are taught Santa will bring them toys and presents the night before Christmas. Christmas is a time of magic and excitement for children and adults alike. Santa is based on a real person, St Nicholas, a Christian leader from the 4th century AD.
In the American colonies, Catholics, Anglicans, Dutch reformed and Lutherans approved Christmas celebrations, which began to adopt a joyful and often boisterous tradition from pagan cultures.
Charles Dikens, one of the giants of English literature gave life to Christmas by writing “A Christmas Carol”. Charles Dikens wrote from his own experience with his enormous warmth of feelings. Dickens was particularly successful at evoking the sights, sounds and smells of London. Charles Dikens novel “A Christmas Carol” popularized Christmas as a family event.
For various early cultures, December 25 was a significant date: Babilonians believed the son of the queen of heaven was born on December 25. Egyptians celebrated the birth of the fertility goddess Isis on December 25. Arabs believed that the moon was born on December 24.
Christmas is a great opportunity for us to treat friends, relatives and loved ones with great recipes. It is an awesome experience to share gourmet food, Christmas sugar cookies, Christmas berry mocha fudge, Christmas sour cream potato salad, chocolate brownie cookies, oyster stew, cranberry punch, traditional baked ham, Christmas bread and more.
Merry Christmas to you. Joy to the world, the Lord is coming. “Joy to the world with truth and grace”. Christmas is the most relevant celebration for western countries. Let´s have a Merry Christmas with friends, family and loved ones who join us around a table full of delicious food and drinks and with our hearts full of love, friendship and kindness.
As the ancient Magi or Wise men who came to visit Jesus: Melchior king of Arabia, who brought a casquet of gold, Caspar, king of Tarsus who brought myrrh in a gold mounted horn, and Balthasar king of Ethiopia, who brought frankincense in a censer, lets share abundance and prosperity with those we love and care for.
From the ancient Romans we received the decorated tree. During their Saturnalia winter festivals, they decorated trees with small pieces of metal, in honor of Saturn the God of agriculture. By the year 1531, Christmas trees were sold in Alsace, which at the time was a part of Germany. From Paradise, we received the apple tree, decorated with apples as a symbol of Adam and Eve feast on December 24.
Mark Carr brought trees to New York streets in 1851 and opened the first retail Christmas trees lot in the United States. Franklin Pierce was the first president to introduce Christmas trees in the White House.
All the traditions we received from all over the world and different branches of our ancestors, are here for us to enjoy during Christmas holidays with all those we love and care for. Let´s join around the Christmas tree, to share and enjoy the prosperity and abundance of wealth, health and love, as blessings from heaven for being persistent and for working to build a better Universe for us and all the marvelous humans who are doing everything possible for every citizen of the world to enjoy a better life style.
God bless you and all around you. Let Christmas be the best holiday ever and the beginning of higher and better achievements.
Jose Damaso Ramon
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