Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Mr Obama More in a week than Bush In Eight years

Efficiency standards for autos sold in USA since 2016, are up
What environmentalists were not able to enforce, was achieved by those who use the oil prices to push Americans into an economic crisis which could be the worst in history or influence USA foreign relations.
Fuel economy standards are going up by 8 miles per gallon per vehicle by 2016, which means at least 1.8 billion barrels over the life of the cars sold in a five years period, more than the oil imported from Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Venezuela and Libya combined for the last year, or taking 58 millions autos off the road for a full year.
It has been ironic at least to see how American dollars are going into non friendly pockets. Whether the economic and environmental side of the savings is important, the impact on security is enormous as there are less dollars for non friendly countries and there are more dollars to expend inside.
An step like this was almost impossible or at least politically complicated just a year ago. However, Mr Obama, flanked by CEOs of world automakers, like General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Mercedez-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Nissan, Toyota, Honda, and the United Auto Workers, governors, democrats and republican leaders gave us the news about the higher standards for oil consumption and better energy use, which is a very important change. GeneralMotors plans to retool its Lordstown plant to make the Chevrolet Cruze, a vehicle expected to get more than 40 miles per gallon.
Mr Obama´s announcement goes beyond what was expected from the auto industry which estimates were to 33 miles per gallon by 2020. Even though as of February 2007 there were 113 cars available abroad with consumption levels of 40 miles per gallon or better, only 2 of these cars were sold in the USA.
It is obvious the environment is receiving great help from this step ahead, but the reasons behind Mr Obama´s announcement are based on economic, political and strategic motivations. Mr Obama has done for energy savings and the environment, more in a week than George Bush did in eight years at the White House.
Oil global demand is growing steadily to fuel high prices. The USA consumption is about a quarter of total oil consumption, which means an increase of one third compared to two decades ago.
To achieve higher levels of independence from the oil powered engines, the hybrid technologies are increasing their share in the transportation industry. The third generation of the Toyota Prius and the return of the Honda Insight are being joined by the first generation of the Hybrid technologies from Mercedez and BMW. Also there are contribution to overall fuel consumption with more efficient Fords, Chevrolets, Saturn and Hondas. It is expected that 2009 will see at least 500.000 new hybrids on American roads.
During 2008 15 models of hybrid vehicles were on the road, which are now going up to more than 20 models. Fuel economy ratings are expected to go over 50 mpg as new models are being reengineered to use power trains that extend the range of all electric gas free driving.
HEVs or Hybrid electric vehicles combine the benefits of gasoline engines and electric motors which can be configured for fuel economy, increased power or additional auxiliary power for electric devices and power tools.
EV or electric vehicles are propelled by electric motors which are energy efficient, environmentally friendly and provide quiet, smooth operation with stronger acceleration and require less maintenance.
Electric vehicles have lower pollutants emissions. Electric vehicles however, can go 150 miles or less before recharging, while gasoline vehicles can go twice the distance before refueling.
Simultaneously, there are several technologies which are not new but which improvements are helping lower gas consumption and giving engines a power push.
Besides the technological side which is promising, there are many question marks about the future of the big three which are responsible of achieving the new standards provided they survive the difficult times they are facing.
Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are more than traditional names tied to our feelings. They are closely associated to the economic power of America. Patriotic feelings awaken those remembrances when their names were brands close to every transportation requirement around the world.
Now, competition, oil prices, economic troubles and management problems work together against the survival of these emblematic names too close to our lives for us to think their problems are some bodies else problems. Science, technology, management and regulations must work together to achieve the goal of fuel efficient vehicles, lower pollution and high rates of efficiency will make future vehicles environment friendly, engines more powerful and efficient, cleaner air and high performance are dreams that are on their way of being an everyday reality.
Jose Damaso Ramon
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine Flu Is Spreading In More Countries
Chicago Sun Times And Swine Flu
After an unexpected low rate of attendance at Kilmer elementary school CEO Ron Huberman showed concern as only 87% of students showed up for classes, as officials investigate if students might have contracted the swine flu virus.
While the suspected swine flu infections are investigated, classes at Kilmer were suspended for at least two days. Medical samples from suspected infected students are being sent to the Center for Disease Control. Results will take 24 36 hours for the agency to confirm if the students are infected with the swine virus.
The 12 year old student, suspected of being infected is recuperating at home. Kilmer 875 students are pre-kindergarten through 8th grade, Medical authorities are also studying attendance patterns in other schools.
There are 64 swine virus flu infections throughout the United States as of Tuesday April 28th.
The World Health Organization, on the other hand confirmed the pandemic swine flu is having low impact around the world. Simultaneously, American health authorities confirmed the first death in American territory attributed to the flu virus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is coordinating the global response to human cases of swine flu. As first US death was confirmed, the World Health Organization have raised the alert level.
The death toll in Mexico touched the 159 mark, with more than 2000 infected. Mexico city authorities ordered the closure of eateries, bars, cinemas. Restaurants, cafes, diners, and food outlets have been prohibited from serving sit-down customers, while they stepped up their efforts to contain the deadly outbreak. Mexican authorities have ordered temporary closure of Mexican schools.
Human swine influenza and seasonal human flu are respiratory illnesses which have similar symptoms.
The public Health Agency of Canada is working with Mexican and American official to find answers for this spreading situation. Canada has reported 19 cases of human swine influenza, up to the 29th of April.
1976 remind us of Fort Dix, New Jersey. The United States set a precedent in attempting to vaccinate the population of the country. There were many critics of the program at the time, but the reality is that the epidemic never surfaced.
Swine flu symptoms in people are similar to those of regular human flu, including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu.
Human to human spread of swine flu has been documented and it might occur in the same way as seasonal flu, mainly through coughing and or sneezing of infected people.
To protect your health cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Discard the tissue in the trash after using it.
Wash your hands often with soap and water when coughing or sneezing. Avoid close contact with sick people. If you get sick with influenza, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and avoid contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Emergency warning sings that require urgent medical attention for children are: Fast breathing or trouble breathing; bluish skin color; not drinking enough fluids; not waking up or not interacting; being highly irritable; fever with a rash.
As per CNN, the World Health Organization has raised the swine flu alert to level 5, which indicates they fear a pandemic is imminent. Dr. Margareth Chan, the World Health Organization said that all countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans.
On Wednesday the 29th, the outbreak grew in terms of confirmed cases, people killed and countries with infections. Health officials are looking for information to get more data about the virus for which there is no vaccine yet.
Jose Damaso Ramon
The 29th of April 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
# 1 selling book shows the way to a success lifestyle
How I made My First Million On The Internet And How You Can Too!!
About the author: Ewen Chia is a graduate from the Singapore Institute of Management. Ewen holds a Management Business honors degree. He held a full time sales and marketing job struggling to make ends meet. Ewen started learning internet business in 1977. Ewen Chia is a strong believer in everyone´s potential to become financial achievers if he or she is willing to put the effort needed.
You will find glimpses of yourself when reading his bestselling book. He is a multi millionaire who began from scratch. Everything changed for him in 1977 when he came across some information on how to make money on the Internet. Before this turning point, bills and credit card debts were pilling up and self confidence was fading. He even spent five years trying the get rich quick scams. He started small but then it grew and grew to become a healthy 5 digits a month income producer, and suddenly debts disappeared and he was able to provide a great life to his family. He build his own proprietary system and he was soon generating six figures incomes month after month from multiple internet business. As of today, Ewen Chia is known as the # 1 super affiliate
His business was growing, he was growing a reputation as a teacher and a real success story. He was helping people achieve the same kind of results and his products were focusing in teaching people how to duplicate his achievements. He felt there was something missing: a simple manual, a proven book to help people to become Internet success stories.
So, “How I made my first million on the Internet and how you can too”, was born. Ewen wrote this book to fill the knowledge gap he knows every internet newbie and advanced marketers would have given them the push they needed when struggling at the beginning of their Internet careers.
He wrote it with new and seasoned entrepreneurs in mind with the purpose of giving you a solid business foundation and a fundamental understanding of Internet Marketing without the hype and with the purpose of avoiding information overload and to explain the business model you should use to succeed online.
Replacing the day job income is an awesome experience you have to feel and experience everyday in such a way that your life style make yourself feel successful. Your results should be an ever growing process to become financially free and keep your business healthy. So, Ewen shows you the way and gives you the information he would love he had when starting his online experience.
This is a # 1 best selling book both at Amazon and Barnes and Nobles. It is being considered the best print book on Internet marketing. He let you know why your attitude and mindset are more important than the technical knowledge you have.
As per the publisher, How I made My First Million On The Internet And How You Can Too!! is a comprehensive step by step guide to setting up a booming Internet business to rake in million dollar profits. The marketing jargon becomes easy for every reader and shows you tips and techniques to continue to net his online business a cool fortune. Whether you want to create and develop a thriving Internet business from scratch or looking to realize the full potential of an existing business. Whether you do not know how the Internet business works or you are a seasoned business professional the Million Dollar blueprint will give you outstanding help for your business building process.
You will learn how to find who is buying what, and develop business solutions to meet that market needs. The book shows you how to grab and keep the attention of prospective buyers with irresistible offers. Learn here how to create a follow up system of additional offers to bust income and grow your business. Learn how to automate your business in such a way you can boost income and grow your profits, manage your time and increase your leisure time.
The winning mindset is one of the first things Ewen mention in his best selling book. The right winning mindset is the main reason for his success. Ewen drive´s and determination to make things work is outlined as the outstanding force behind his success story.
Whether you are looking for technical advice, or you want to make a fancy website, write the best sales copy, “How I made My First Million On The Internet And How You Can Too!!” Is a great help for your online or offline business.
The main topics the book faces are related to Ewen´s life story, the basics of online marketing, tools you need to pick your market, tools you need to run your business on and offline, how to attract customers to your offer, how to develop products and offers for your market. In fact, this book is full of inspiring information. Besides inspiring, this book is full of useful information.
This book is a training on how to research, create and profit from an Internet based business including market research, product selection, getting traffic and lead generation, automation and duplication methods from a real master Internet Marketer.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Interactive Web 2 Communication
2 Way Communication And The Internet
Our websites are like our property in the world wide web.
Is there a way to find those weird named web properties that rank so high in the Search Engines?
Answering this pressing need to find those sites that rank so high in Yahoo, Google and MSN, is not an easy task. Something interesting about these sites is that every one of them belongs to a very unique way of providing information and most of all every one of them provides interactivity or 2 way communications between users and the site itself.
Most of them allow users to comment on the content of the site, they have sound, videos, photos and the comments of many users who have been there before.
These sites are what we call web 2 sites. There are great communities like Facebook, MySpace, Ning, YouTube and more, which main trait is that users interact with each other, they have a say on what others users are doing or talking about. Nowadays, being online is a great experience.
It is like joining a community of people of all walks of life who are looking for interesting things to do, build business and share feelings, passions, knowledge, experiences. The Internet community is like a huge ball room where every one is trying to join the people who enjoy the same or similar music styles.
Our wants, wishes, dreams, experiences are the first step. There is a question we want to have answers for. We go to a search engine and ask for information on the topic we are interested in. From there we find multiple possibilities. Even, millions. Then we focus our attention to find groups or communities whose members are working or have the same purpose that brought us online.
At first we join groups. When the Internet became a world communication and interrelated community there is a new social system where every thing is possible: business, dating, hobbies, crafts, friendship and more, when we join these social communities. Besides your likes, you enjoy videos, then you have YouTube, you are interested in movies then you have Flixter, you want to be in contact with friends, business associates and more, then you have Twitter.
Using 140 characters messages we let every one know what we are doing or what our immediate interest is. We want to talk online around the world we have Skype. We love sharing photos, we have When going web 2 your imagination has no limits.
This interactivity is called web 2 or Social Networking. Ning, for example is a place where we can join or create the communities that best suit our taste and or interest. Here at NING we find hundreds, thousands of Social Networks.
Ning communities sites allow we choose for the brand and design of our site, the profile of the people we want to join, the activities and or interest we want to share or talk about, decide what communities we want to keep in contact with. Share photos, videos, messages, create our blogs, create our own chat box, we have one click integration with Facebook, we can enable our own groups with photos membership comments, events and more.
Here is a Unique system to express our innermost passions, hidden talents, and all of things that we would want to spend our life doing. Who has influenced us in life the most? Who do we aspire to be? How do we want to be remembered, after we are long gone? Let us identify the top professional thing that we want others to associate us with.
Whatever the reason we are online, NING give us the opportunity to join or create the community which is more appropriate for our purpose. I am here for friendship and business.
In the internet, I found a resource center that contains thousands of highly powerful inspirational and motivational materials --- books, videos, audios, and modules, that are now uplifting and empowering my life, career, and relationships on a daily basis.
Online we measure our impact by our rankings in Search Engines. Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign and for our social standing. For business we must secure high rankings.
Before we go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some simple steps, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher our search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed our way.
Something great about Social Networks is that Search Engines love Social Networks sites. So, besides being an awesome means when we share our interests, inclinations, expertise and friendship building abilities, Social Networks deliver high rankings on the Search Engines.
You might remember why people are coming to the Internet: They are looking for INFORMATION. When we rank high on Search Engines, we have the opportunity to be seen by those who want to know something about something. So, if we have the information people are looking for and we rank high on Search Engines, then we have to have great information with great content and a compelling message for people to think we are the answer they are looking for.
When we use high traffic Social Networks like Facebook, Ning, MySpace and we have the appropriate message and the products and services needed to help people achieve their dreams, then we are on our way to success.
Let us build good relations with recognized people in our communities, link to interesting sites in our area of interest, learn and share our knowledge, help as many people as we can and become a real authority in our group or community.
When we join these high ranking interrelated sites we get in contact with real people who are online to learn and share their knowledge or expertise, to let us know their achievements, success stories, or just how they have solved a household or everyday situation. And most interesting we can do all these in real time, instantly.
Join me on Twitter and post your comments here and be part of the web 2 era. The communication age is here and everyone of us can participate. Let Social Networks be part of our life. There is a blog, community or group for us to share our thoughts, feelings, hobbies, or whatever interest us.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Awakened Recovery